
We are a natural cosmetics company here to disrupt the corruption of “big beauty”. And that's just the beginning...

The cosmetics industry is controlled by 7 mega-corporations.

They control everything you see and buy in stores. Brand names are a fiction to give you the illusion of choice as money flows to the same 7 giants.

If they gave us most effective and safe beauty products in existence then their position would be justified...

But they only exist to maximize value for their shareholders. Selling ineffective products full of potentially harmful chemicals. Not because these chemicals are better, but because they are cheaper to manufacture and result in higher profits.

It's time for something different...

If you're ready for a revolution make the switch to Tanah today.

🍯 Cosmetics so clean and natural that your ancestors would be proud.🍯

✅ Products so effective we stand by each one with a satisfaction guarantee ✅

🧬 Ingredients that have stood the test of time for thousands of years 🧬

Cosmetics are just the start...

We're taking on all mega corporations prioritizing profits over the wellbeing of their customers...

Big pharma | Big food | Big fashion

We know what health is and we know what feels good. We refuse to let anyone manipulate us into thinking otherwise.

Tanah is planning on launching multiple new products and in cosmetics, food, home goods, fashion, and more.

We are not stopping here. The people deserve better. You deserve better.

We will put our mark on the world with our knowledge and ambition. We will enable our customers live healthier lives.

It’s not ridiculous to assume we can make a difference...


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